The club rewards members for representing Ware Joggers when running races in their club vest (club vest or club t-shirt).
This page lists ‘Races in Club Vest’ totals for all current members of Ware Joggers and provides visibility of recently added races.
Lapsed members will drop from the list after 3 years (in line with the clubs GDPR policy).
The total shown is all of your previous ‘Races in Club Vest’ (formerly club colours) that we have a record of, including all previous years' championship and cross country races.
It is not possible to add historic races prior to 1st June 2018.
In order to keep accurate records when you run a race, in your club vest,
which is not part of a club championship or cross country event you can self-record it here.
NB. You need to be logged in to do this.
You must add a link to the race results and if possible a link to a photograph of you in your club vest or t-shirt, at the race.
You do not need to add championship and cross country races as these are added automatically to your total.
Note that if you run in a charity vest the race does not count for ‘Races in Club Vest’.
When you reach 25 races you will be awarded with a medal and subsequently with pin badges to mark the achievement
as follows:
50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 750 and 1,000.
Any questions, please contact Paul Cocklin